Thank you Chris for coming to inspire our school. I appreciate how you took time out of your life to come visit Reidsville Middle School. You story was really emotional but really inspirational. Thanks.
-Jareci M, Middle School Student
Money well spent.
-Lindsay Tipton, YouthBuild Director, Central Carolina Community College
I just want to say thanks Chris for speaking at our school. It was very emotional. I was thinking about all the stuff you said but at the same time, it was really fun. We all love you.
-F. Lisey, Middle School Student
Mr. Chris,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all that you do for our students. They look up to you and respect you as a positive role model in so many ways. It gives me pleasure to see how the scholars' faces light up when they call your name, “Mr. Chris!” You are a sponge to them and I do believe in my heart that you give them hope and a sense of worth! As for my niece/daughter, she came to you stubborn, not listening, not opening up to adults and came along with other concerns. I watched how you were able to “break that shell” and make her the scholar that she is today. Yes, we still have a few more challenges but I appreciate the smaller steps that you have taken to make her feel successful and for building her self- confidence. Just remember that we all have "those days or moments" but just keep in mind that there is (are) a scholar or scholars out there cheering you on! It makes it worthwhile! I also pray that people appreciate the time and effort that you have put into this. It takes a special person to coordinate volunteers and plan extracurricular activities for the scholars. Just think of the field trips that the scholars may have never gone on or the different foods that they would not have experienced if not for your work. When you become seasonal and sitting in your rocking chair on your front porch, you can look back and know that you touch so many lives. One of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou is “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” You are our hero Mr. Chris!
-Mary Thompson, Retired School Teacher
Chrisinspiresyou Absolutely!!! Every youth and yes, even adults would benefit greatly from hearing Chris's presentation. It's not often we meet really humble, genuine men of God who love God, their family, the village and are so transparent about it! My youth were totally blessed by Chris AND his family. For that, it is I who am thankful and grateful!! Thank you Chris Wallace!!
-Sylvia Jones, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at Baptist Grove Church
Mr. Wallace,
Thank you again for speaking at our fifth grade graduation. You did another awesome job. I really appreciate your willingness to do this for two years in a row. I appreciate how relevant your speech was for each member of the audience. You were engaging and energetic and I could tell by the response of the audience that you were reaching both the parents and students. At one point, I heard "amen" from the congregation and for my students, I heard things in your story that I know they could relate to. I also heard inspiration and the idea that there are multiple ways to overcome whatever odds you face as it's important for them to know that they are not the only ones to face challenges.
Finally, I think it really came across to our students that you genuinely care about them, even though you don't know them all individually. I tell them all the time that there are more people who care about them and their success than they know. Thank you for showing them that I was telling the truth.
-Cynthia Brown, Principal at Murphey Traditional Academy Elementary School
Chris, always a pleasure having you at our Club!! Thank you so much for taking the time to celebrate our teens with us and sharing your story with them. I know it has and will continue to inspire them to become amazing young people and future leaders of our community. Have a great summer and please stay in touch!
-Ronna Butler, Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of York County
Attended the Central Carolina Community College TRIO Collegiate Programs graduation banquet and was blessed to hear the keynote, ChrisInspiresYou, give a phenomenal speech on perseverance.
-Jairo McMican, Dean of Student Learning at Central Carolina Community College
You inspired me to make the best of myself 💯👌
-Hannah Holmes, Upward Bound Senior student
Just want to thank you again for coming out. You inspired, motivated, and LIFTED our students and staff in so many ways! I know that our students will be thinking about you, your story, and your words. We truly appreciate you! We all hope to see you again soon. Have a wonderful weekend!
-Alison Duncavage, School Counselor-Rachel Freeman School of Engineering
Words can't express how your visit impacted our school today! I look forward to planning more events in which you help change mindsets of our black male students, staff and community! I will be in touch!
-Dionne Sturdivant, Principal-Rachel Freeman School of Engineering
Your words today really inspired and motivated me to start making a change in my life. I'm definitely going to be in touch.
-Vernon, Parent of a student at the Boys & Girls Club of York County